Do you want to find relief from living one mood episode to the next?

Bipolar Wellness Tools is the all-in-one app that will empower you to live your best life with bipolar disorder. Transform your mental wellbeing by discovering the factors that keep you balanced.

App Features

Bipolar Wellness Tools is more than an app to add notes. Here is a flavor of what functionality you will get:

  • Mood Log
    • Mood Rating 0 to 5
    • A text area for you to write your thoughts.
    • 14+ common symptoms of mania, depression, and anxiety
  • Medicine Log
    • Medicine Name from our searchable database of medications
    • Start Date
    • Stop Date
    • Quantity
    • Instructions on taking them from your doctor or pharmacist
    • Side effects you have encountered
    • Whether you took or missed today's dose
  • Appointment Planner
    • Record who you meet with, an agenda of what to discuss, and take notes during your session.
  • Exercise Log
    • Record your exercise frequency and intensity
  • Weight Log
    • Weight
    • Notes you want to record about where you are in your journey.
  • Sleep Log
    • Hours you slept
    • How difficult you felt it was to fall asleep
    • Notes you want to record about the sleep. You can record if it was interrupted, if you woke up earlier than normal, interesting dreams, etc.
  • Ketone Log
    • Your ketone level - See if ketone level positivly affects your mood
  • Gratitude List
    • Improve your mood by making a daily habit of listing things you are grateful for.
  • Self-care List
    • Keep track of the activities that help you through tough times and maintain wellness

A tool for us, by us

Mindful Progress is the tool I wish I had when I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 in 2016.

Treating mental health conditions is complex, so many factors go in to feeling well. At the start I did not know all of the factors, it was only through trial and error over many years that I started to see how sleep, medicine, exercise, and other things formed how I felt. Trial and error is painful on you and those around you, I have lived that. I want to take years off of your suffering to find what works for you in a comprehensive, holistic, and intuitive way. The goal is to maximize the time between episodes, and to have so much warning of an upcoming one that providers can be involved before it is too disruptive.

I used to track my mood log on Evernote, my sleep and exercise on Fitbit, my prescriptions on my doctor’s app, never all in the same place which made finding connections between them impossible. It was not just that these tools did not work together, none of them were made for tracking bipolar so they all lacked critical features. Evernote does not have a 0 to 5 rating for each mood entry, nor does it track the most common symptoms of manic and depressive episodes or show the ratings as a graph over time so I can see and share with others when my mood is unstable. Fitbit does not track my difficulty falling asleep, a common symptom when a manic episode is forming. My doctor's office app does not let me track the side effects the medications are giving me so I can go back and report them to my psychiatrist. Mindful Progress is the app that brings all the tracking tools into one place so you can do everything in one central place, has specialized features for bipolar disorder, and lets you see connections between all the factors so you can see what leads you to feel better for longer.

Now, with Mindful Progress, I can rate my mood 0-5, track common bipolar symptoms (like irritability, hypersexuality, and changes in energy), monitor difficulty levels of getting to sleep over time, record medication side effects I am experiencing, and more. Having all of these factors is not just beneficial for you to have logged and see on a graph, now when your psychiatrist or therapist asks you how you have done since your last visit you can show them graphs and summaries of your various log entries, making for more beneficial sessions. Many times over the years I have been asked, when was the last time you felt this way, or have you ever been on this mediation. With Mindful Progress you have the answers to make informed healthcare decisions.

How Mindful Progress Will Help You

Unlimited Daily Tracking

Unlimited mood, exercise, sleep, weight, and medicine logs to accurately track things as they change.


Visually see how your mood, exercise, sleep, and weight have changed over time through the use of interactive graphs. Your dashboard screen shows your latest mood and sleep logs graphed together so you an see at a glance if an episode is coming.


We find and alert you to patterns in your entry logs that may go by unnoticed until it becomes a problem. Be alerted when your mood or sleep patterns start to vary in unexpected ways. This will let you be more mindful of changes and perhaps seek help from a provider before a mood episode develops.

We are here for you

From the day you join, you will be supported in your journey to well being. We provide technical support through our help documentation, through email, and via phone. We are always open to feedback on ideas for new features.

Frequently Asked Questions

This will vary by the type of log. You may have days where your mood varies frequently over the course of the day, so you will log more than daily. For activities like sleep, on most days you will only log your regular sleep, but there may be days when you take naps and that is valuable to track. For all of the log categories, the more entries you make the better you will be able to find patterns that lead to what works for you.

Yes! If enabled on your phone, the app will be locked until your fingerprint is authenticated.

Yes! Mindful Progress is more than a app to add notes. Here is a flavor of what we track:

  • Mood Log
    • Mood Rating 0 to 5
    • A text area for you to write your thoughts.
    • 14+ common symptoms of mania, depression, and anxiety
  • Medicine Log
    • Medicine Name from our searchable database of medications
    • Start Date
    • Stop Date
    • Quantity
    • Instructions on taking them from your doctor or pharmacist
    • Side effects you have encountered
    • Whether you took or missed today's dose
  • Appointment Planner
    • Record who you meet with, an agenda of what to discuss, and take notes during your session.
  • Exercise Log
    • Record your exercise frequency and intensity
  • Weight Log
    • Weight
    • Notes you want to record about where you are in your journey.
  • Sleep Log
    • Hours you slept
    • How difficult you felt it was to fall asleep
    • Notes you want to record about the sleep. You can record if it was interrupted, if you woke up earlier than normal, interesting dreams, etc.
  • Ketone Log
    • Your ketone level - See if ketone level positivly affects your mood

Yes! It is very useful to have a historic log of medications you have taken over time when deciding on next steps. It is also good to have your mood entries to refer to instead of relying on memory. With Mindful Progress's Bipolar Wellness Tools app your data is yours! We give you the ability to share graphs of your mood, sleep, and other entries over time. Graphs are a great way to see patterns at a glance. If you are more data-oriented then you can also download your data for use in tools like Microsoft Excel.

Yes! When you add new entries we will use that data to help you find patterns and emerging episodes. In addition to the many graphs, we also provide you insights into all the categories through advanced statistics. We alert you when we detect your entries going too far from the baseline so that early intervention can bring you back to wellness.

Download the App Now!

Take control of your mental health journey and gain valuable insights by creating an account on our website to track your mood, sleep and other factors, helping you identify patterns and proactively manage bipolar episodes.

Download Here